I was granted further support and approval from the Department of Public Works in Wilbraham MA the other day. Hurray!
I was asked a really good question- "What if Purple Martins don't want to nest there?"
Good question! I found an answer!
"Because purple martins have become accustomed to and dependent on artificial nesting sites over centuries of association with humans, anyone putting up purple martin houses must be prepared to monitor those houses to keep them suitable. Both European starlings and house sparrows can aggressively compete with purple martins for nesting sites, and constant checking of available houses is necessary to remove unwanted nests and give the purple martins better opportunities to thrive."
(Source: http://birding.about.com/od/birdhouses/a/purplemartinhouses.htm by Melissa Mayntz)
Melissa Mayntz has been birding for more than 20 years and is developing her urban backyard into a certified bird wildlife habitat. Melissa's birding has taken her from the Midwest to the Southeast to the West and internationally to Mexico and the Caribbean. She has observed hundreds of bird species and has been published in Bird Watcher's Digest.To support bird conservation, Melissa is a member of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the Nature Conservancy, and the National Audubon Society."
When I was little I remember a bunch of different birds nesting together. I thought it was a nice community. I hope they weren't competing for space! I hope they can all get along!